Friday, March 23, 2012


In Queenstown our driver changed again. Chicken was nice and informative but our new driver is funny. His safety info stars: 'If there's a fire, I'll be the first one out the bus so just follow me!'

In Queenstown in the evening after frisbee golf

On Wednesday we headed to Mount. Cook which is the highest mountain in New Zealand. The way there went past a few amazingly blue lakes. Travelling with a van would be amazing in these sceneries. In Mt. Cook we stayed in rather luxurios hostel which propably used to be a hotel. We did a nice 4 hour walk to the start of the Tasman glacier and it's terminal lake with ice'bergs'.

Next day we drove to Rangitoto where I almost swam. (no the reason I didn't swim wasn't that the water would have been could but because I was sick a few days ago) Now I'm writing from Kaikoura, a nice little town in the East coast of the South island. We're about to go search for some seals! Now I'll be switching places every day until back to Auckland because of my tight schedule.

Me and Lene in our 3 storey bunk beds! (don't have time to figure out how to turn the pic)

Titanic at the terminal lake of the Tasman glacier

Me and the awesome German girls Marie&Alex

1 comment:

  1. On ollut mukava lukea näitä juttujasi. Todella upeita maisemia. Ehkä olet jo Aasiassa.

    Täällä alkaa jo lumi vähitellen sulaa ja ensimmäiset kukatkin olen löytänyt. Aika aurinkoisia päiviä on ollut. Tosin tässä välillä oli pieni takatalvi, sillä sunnuntain ja maanantain välisenä yönä satoi todella paljon lunta. Tänäänkin vähän yritti, mutta lumi sulaa heti kun osuu maahan. Ehkä se kevät tästä vähitellen tulee.
