Monday, February 27, 2012

Finally here

After almost a weekend of travelling, I finally safely arrived here in Auckland yesterday. Even
though I love flying, two 11 hour flights and one 2,5h were quite much.
Some of you can propably picture my feeling when I flew over Australia ;) I would have
propably jumped up from my seat if I hadn’t already disturbed my seat neighbor
whole night by not being able to sleep. I think that moment it really hit me
that I’m in the world of travelling again!
Yesterday I spent just pretty much sleeping away my jet lag and enjoying the free ‘meal’
(more like a entrée) of the hostel. Then today I did a free city bus tour and we went walking under the city bridge. The city looks quite much like Aussie cities with lots of one storied houses in the suburbs and same kind of street signs and banners on shops. Here it’s just
really green. There are trees even in the city centre.


  1. Kiva kuulla että oot päässy perille pitkän matkustuksen jälkeen! :) Vietä ikimuistoisen ihana matka siellä ja kirjottele aina välillä kuulumisia!

  2. Kiva, että olet päässyt ehjänä perille. Oli varmaan väsyttävä matka. Täällä on satanut lunta koko päivän ja lisää tulee koko ajan. :)
